
Poorest smokers face toughest odds for kicking the habit

Quitting smoking is never easy. However, when you're poor and uneducated, kicking the habit for good is doubly hard, according to a new study by a tobacco dependence researcher at The City College of New York (CCNY).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Influencing craving for cigarettes by stimulating the brain

Targeted brain stimulation increases cigarette cravings, a new study in Biological Psychiatry has found, which may ultimately lead to new treatments that reverse these effects. Cues associated with cigarette smoking, such ...


FDA: studies do not tie Chantix to mental problems

(AP) -- Federal health officials said Monday that Pfizer's anti-smoking drug Chantix did not increase psychiatric problems like depression and suicidal thoughts in two studies, though the findings are not definitive.


Soviet-era pill from Bulgaria helps smokers quit

(AP) -- A pill developed in Bulgaria during the Soviet era shows promise for helping millions of smokers cheaply and safely kick the habit, the first big study of it shows.


Pilot program finds success among smoking prisoners

A pilot quit smoking program trialled on prisoners in the Goldfields has helped quash the inmate's nicotine dependency, thereby laying the foundation for smoke-free prisons throughout WA.

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