
Study: Combined treatments are the most effective to stop smoking

Combination therapies, particularly varenicline and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) combined, are the most effective tobacco cessation pharmacotherapies, the largest review to examine the effectiveness and safety of electronic ...


Quitting smoking: Licensed medications are effective

Nicotine replacement therapy and other licensed drugs can help people quit smoking, according to a new systematic review published in The Cochrane Library. The study, which is an overview of previous Cochrane reviews, supports ...


Genes predict if medication can help you quit smoking

The same gene variations that make it difficult to stop smoking also increase the likelihood that heavy smokers will respond to nicotine-replacement therapy and drugs that thwart cravings, a new study shows.


Light smokers benefit from nicotine-replacement medications

(Medical Xpress)—Light daily smokers, those who smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes per day, have greater success quitting when provided stop-smoking medications and assisted by counselors. Those are the key conclusions of research ...


Tobacco cessation support lacking in mental health facilities

(HealthDay)—Many patients in mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities are not screened for tobacco use or offered treatments to facilitate tobacco cessation, according to research published in the May 11 issue ...

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