
Quitting smoking may gain you friends

(HealthDay)—Kicking the smoking habit doesn't only boost your health, it may also help you build a wider circle of friendships, a new study says.


Could FDA e-cigarette regulations help more people quit smoking?

E-cigarettes are smoking hot. They are the most popular nicotine-delivery products used by kids and the majority of adult smokers have tried them. E-cigarettes are a multi-billion dollar industry, with the website Yelp tallying ...


Limiting e-cigarette flavors may benefit public health

Flavor variety is an important component in young smokers' decisions to switch to e-cigarettes, new research from Weill Cornell Medicine indicates. The investigators say their findings provide critical insight into what attracts ...


How can science help smokers to quit?

Craving for cigarettes plays a crucial role in driving people back to smoking when they try to stop. I want to explain what we think causes it and how best to deal with it to improve the chances of becoming an ex-smoker.


De-mystifying stop smoking services

FACT: Support from Stop Smoking Services, when used with prescription medications, such as nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), roughly triples your chances of successfully quitting smoking, in comparison to trying to go ...

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