Medical research

Why living against the clock is a risky business

Living against the clock—working late-night shifts or eating at inappropriate times, for example—can come with real health risks, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes among them. Now, researchers reporting in Current ...


Insulin LY2605541 tops glargine for glycemic control in T1DM

(HealthDay)—For patients with type 1 diabetes, the novel, long-acting basal insulin LY2605541 yields greater improvement in glycemic control compared with insulin glargine, according to a study published online Nov. 27 ...


Heart rate affected by nocturnal hypoglycemia in T1DM patients

(HealthDay) -- For adults with type 1 diabetes there is a marked decrease in the low-frequency component of heart rate variability during spontaneous nocturnal hypoglycemia, according to a study published online May 18 in ...


Persistent sensory experience is good for aging brain

Despite a long-held scientific belief that much of the wiring of the brain is fixed by the time of adolescence, a new study shows that changes in sensory experience can cause massive rewiring of the brain, even as one ages. ...


Wee small hours of the morning explained at last

Scientists have pinpointed a protein that helps explain why the elderly frequently have to get up in the night to urinate, a problem that can badly interfere with sleep.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Understanding and treating bedwetting in older children

Bedwetting in older children is common, but it can be distressing. An article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) outlines possible causes and evidence for current treatments.

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