Oncology & Cancer

New research sheds light on racial disparity in colon cancer

African-Americans with colon cancer are half as likely as Caucasian patients to have a type of colon cancer that is linked to better outcomes. The finding may provide insight into why African-Americans are more likely to ...


New tobacco product marketing depends on demographics

A study by the Rutgers Center for Tobacco Studies and the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center will help establish policy on the sale and marketing of two different tobacco products recently introduced to the United ...


Multiple brain regions moderate and link depressive mood and pain

Depression is linked to diminished activity in parts of the brain believed to regulate mood, which previous research suggests may explain why depressed persons display an lessened ability to govern their ruminative thought ...


Physician-provided oral health services cut dental caries

(HealthDay)—For kindergarten students, physician-based comprehensive preventive oral health services (POHS) are associated with a reduction in caries, but no improvement in subsequent use of dental treatment, according ...

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