Medical research

Increased flexibility seen in preapproval evidence for new drugs

The characteristics of acceptable preapproval evidence were more flexible for novel drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2020, according to a research letter published online May 17 in JAMA Network Open.

Oncology & Cancer

New therapeutic target for hematologic malignancies identified

Inhibition of Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 47 (USP47) was identified as a novel therapeutic target for hematologic malignancies bearing mutant oncoprotein EZH2, according to scientists from the Hefei Institutes of Physical ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID treatment has improved, but many wish for an easy pill

If Priscila Medina had gotten COVID-19 a year ago, she would have had no treatments proven safe and effective to try. But when the 30-year-old nurse arrived at a Long Island hospital last month, so short of breath she could ...


New drug is gamechanger in psoriasis treatment

A novel drug almost entirely cleared moderate to severe psoriasis in over 60% of the patients who took part in two phase three clinical trials of a new drug.

Oncology & Cancer

Cholesterol starvation kills lymphoma cells

Scientists at Northwestern Medicine have developed a novel therapy to trick cancer cells into gobbling up what they think is their favorite food—cholesterol—which actually triggers their destruction. What appears to them ...

Oncology & Cancer

New drug research for prostate cancer could also fight COVID-19

Dr. Lisa Philp and Professor Colleen Nelson, from the QUT Faculty of Health's School of Biomedical Science, are developing drugs to fight advanced prostate cancer that could also prevent and or treat acute respiratory distress ...

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