
Genome-editing 'toolbox' targets multiple genes at once

A Yale research team has designed a system to modify, or edit, multiple genes in the genome simultaneously, while also minimizing unintended effects. The gene-editing "toolbox" provides a user-friendly solution that scientists ...

Medical research

More potent, inexpensive gene silencing agents described

Combining the therapeutic potential and advantages of existing oligonucleotide-based approaches to turn off disease-related genes, a type of single-stranded silencing RNAs (ss-siRNAs) has shown significantly improved potency ...


In pursuit of the causes of cardiac hypertrophy

Specific genes are responsible for determining cell growth and differentiation during the early stages of cardiac development. Reactivation of these genes later in life can lead to an abnormal thickening of the heart muscle. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Computational models to sort out the genetic chaos of cancer cells

Scientists of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the University of Luxembourg have developed a method for analysing the genome of cancer cells more precisely than ever before. The team led by Prof. Antonio del ...

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