Oncology & Cancer

Genetically modified virus combats prostate cancer

Researchers at the São Paulo State Cancer Institute (ICESP) in Brazil have used a genetically manipulated virus to destroy tumor cells upon injection into mice with prostate cancer. The virus also made tumor cells more sensitive ...


Neurons that encode sweetness identified in mice

Researchers from the National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Japan have identified the neurons responsible for relaying sweet taste signals to the gustatory thalamus and cortex in mice. While the peripheral taste ...


Researchers find new brain mechanisms regulating body weight

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have clarified the link between the molecule interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the brain and obesity. In experiments on rats and mice, they show that the molecule does affect the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Alcohol-induced brain damage continues after alcohol is stopped

Although the harmful effects of alcohol on the brain are widely known, the structural changes observed are very heterogeneous. In addition, diagnostic markers are lacking to characterize brain damage induced by alcohol, especially ...

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