
Study reveals disturbing dietary trends in North India

Researchers at The George Institute for Global Health India, in collaboration with the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh, have conducted a comprehensive study on the dietary habits ...


Iron, vitamins could affect physical fitness in adolescents

Adolescence is an important time not only for growing but for acquiring healthy habits that will last a lifetime, such as choosing foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and adopting a regular exercise regimen. Unfortunately, ...


Cutting calories before cutting in surgery

Dietary restriction has already been shown to extend the lives of laboratory animals, but recent research suggests the beneficial effects of eating less may extend to improved recovery from surgery and better resistance to ...


Kids consume more soda and calories when eating out

Children and adolescents consume more calories and soda and have poorer nutrient-intake on days they eat at either fast-food or full-service restaurants, as compared to days they eat meals at—or from—home.


Female diet alters the nutrient composition of fluid in the womb

Scientists at the University of Soutahmpton's Faculty of Medicine have discovered that maternal diet affects the nutrient composition of fluid in the womb of women and thus may aid in the development of nutritional interventions ...


Dietary counseling has little effect after gastric bypass

(HealthDay)—Dietary and behavioral counseling can help improve nutrient intake in patients who have had gastric bypass surgery, but nutrient intake still remains inadequate in many patients, according to a study published ...

Medical research

How the gut gets its villi

Villi are small epithelial protrusions that serve to increase the surface area of the gut for efficient nutrient absorption. The mechanism of their formation during development was recently revealed by a study published in ...

Medical economics

High heat can serve up food insecurity within days

Amid record-high temperatures globally, a study Monday reveals that a few days of searing heat can be enough to prevent billions of people already living hand-to-mouth on daily wages from putting food on the table.

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