
Makeover coming for food nutrition labels

A new look is coming to Nutrition Facts labels on food packages, with more attention to calorie counts and added sugars. And no longer will a small bag of chips count as two or three servings.


Perth shoppers see stars in the supermarket

Shoppers want food labels that have already done the hard sums on nutritional value for them, and Perth's grocery buyers have recently revealed their appetite for food labels rests with the Health Star Rating (HSR) system.


Include 'added sugars' in overhaul of Canada's food labels

Canada's overhaul of food labels should include a separate 'added sugar' column to help Canadians manage their sugar intake and be in line with US standards, states a commentary in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).


Smartphones deliver nutrition labelling study

An exciting five-week study on nutrition labelling using smartphones is underway at the National Institute for Health Innovation at the University of Auckland.


Examining food labelling across Europe

The FLABEL project ('Food Labelling to Advance to Better Education for Life') was the first EU-funded research programme to examine nutrition labelling when it was launched three years ago. Now having ended, has it made an ...


What stands out on a label?

With nearly 400,000 items in every grocery store (Food Marketing Institute), there are hundreds of different ways a packaged food can be labeled. Editor A. Elizabeth Sloan gathers statistics about what language on food labels ...

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