Overweight & Obesity

Probing question: Is being overweight always bad for your health?

Fat. Sugar. Salt. Americans have a love-hate relationship with these ingredients. We know we should consume them in moderation. After all, we've been told again and again that being overweight or obese can cause health problems. ...


Phone calls to help adults delay the onset of diabetes

(Medical Xpress)—A pilot medical program at Virginia Tech will use an automated calling system as part of larger program to help adults who are at risk for developing diabetes. The calls will be designed to encourage patients ...


How dangerous are energy drinks for young people?

(Medical Xpress)—News reports broke this week that since 2003, three Canadian teens have died from drinking energy drinks, and 35 others have suffered series side effects like amnesia and irregular heartbeat. Young people ...


Team finds 14 new biomarkers for type 2 diabetes

A research team led by Anna Floegel of the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) and Tobias Pischon of the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) has identified 14 novel biomarkers for type 2 diabetes. They ...


US urged to set standards for arsenic in rice

(AP)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration may consider new standards for the levels of arsenic in rice as consumer groups are calling for federal guidance on how much of the carcinogen can be present in food.

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