
Diabetes nearly double for Japanese-Americans

A new study found that Japanese-American adults who are not obese have a much higher prevalence of diabetes than non-obese non-Hispanic white Americans (8.0% vs. 4.5%). The study was conducted by researchers at the University ...


Bariatric surgery can be safe and effective for adolescents

Pediatricians are often reluctant to recommend bariatric surgery for teen-agers, but a Rutgers-led study concludes it is a justifiable treatment for adolescents with persistent extreme obesity if they can maintain a healthy ...

Overweight & Obesity

Older adults with obesity may have fewer years of healthy life

A team of researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School found that older adults with obesity could expect fewer years of remaining life, at age 60, 70 and 80, with no limitation in physical function and no limitation in activities ...

Oncology & Cancer

Obesity-linked cancers on the rise in young adults

A sharp increase in obesity-linked cancers among young adults in the United States could foreshadow a reversal in the overall decline in cancer mortality, researchers warned Monday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Carrots or candy bars? Context shapes choice of healthy foods

Pop quiz: Given a choice between indulgent and healthy foods, what will most people pick? The answer may depend on what other foods sit nearby on the grocery shelf, suggests new research from Duke University.


Insurance coverage for adult obesity care increasing

(HealthDay)—Coverage for adult obesity care improved substantially in Medicaid and state employee insurance programs between 2009 and 2017, according to a study published online Nov. 14 in Obesity to coincide with the annual ...

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