Overweight & Obesity

Men may experience weight stigma as much as women

A new study by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut finds that a significant portion of adult American men report being mistreated about their weight. The findings suggest that men ...

Overweight & Obesity

Don't blame food stamps for obesity in America

Politicians and scholars sometimes cast obesity as a problem that largely afflicts the poor. But as most obese adults aren't poor and most low-income adults aren't obese, this is a misconception.

Oncology & Cancer

Weight in adolescence may affect colorectal cancer risk

A new study has uncovered a link between being overweight or obese in adolescence and an increased risk of developing colon cancer in adulthood. Obesity was also associated with an elevated risk of developing rectal cancer. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do you overeat? Your brain wiring may be why

(HealthDay)—A new brain scan study suggests that people whose brains are wired to produce a more muted response to food may ultimately compensate by eating more, thereby raising their risk for obesity.

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