Overweight & Obesity

Obesity may shorten lives by almost four years, study says

(HealthDay)—Obese American adults die an average of almost four years earlier than those with normal weight, and middle-aged obese adults face the highest risk of an early death, a new study suggests.

Overweight & Obesity

Combining exercise and economics in the study of childhood obesity

(Medical Xpress)—The medical costs of obesity for the current cohort of children and adolescents in Maine could reach an estimated $1.2 billion over the next 20 years, according to a new study by a University of Maine economist.

Overweight & Obesity

Economic conditions may trump genetics when battling obesity

In a first of its kind study that shows environmental conditions can be more influential than genetics, Virginia Tech researchers have found that the cost of food  — not someone's genetic makeup—is a major factor in ...

Overweight & Obesity

Study hints healthier school lunch can reduce obesity

A 2010 federal law that boosted nutrition standards for school meals may have begun to help slow the rise in obesity among America's children—even teenagers who can buy their own snacks, a new study showed.

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