
Positive sign in America's diabetes fight

Is there light at the end of the "diabesity" tunnel? New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seem to confirm that recent reports showing the U.S. diabetes epidemic beginning to decline are not a statistical ...

Overweight & Obesity

Patterns of obesity prove resilient

A trio of recent reports has shed new light on U.S. health, with mixed results on obesity, smoking, and blood pressure.

Overweight & Obesity

Citing cost to taxpayers, cities and states tackle obesity

More than 35 percent of Arkansas adults are obese, making it the heaviest state in the nation. Gov. Asa Hutchinson looked at those numbers and saw two problems: an increased risk of all sorts of health challenges, and an ...


A tax on sugar is the bitter pill that is needed

In a week when the British Medical Association has called for a sugar tax of 20 per cent to be introduced to help combat the nation's obesity epidemic, Dr Gail Rees, Associate Professor in Human Nutrition at Plymouth University ...

Overweight & Obesity

UK population is becoming overweight and obese at younger ages

Children born since the 1980s are two to three times more likely than older generations to be overweight or obese by the age of 10, according to new research published in PLOS Medicine. The study, conducted by researchers ...

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