
Rates of gestational diabetes mellitus vary by state

(HealthDay)—Obesity, age, race/ethnicity, hospital characteristics, and insurance type may contribute to the variability in rates of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) between states, according to research published in ...


Association between menopause, obesity and cognitive impairment

Obesity has been associated with cognitive decline, characterized by a deterioration of mental abilities that involve memory, language, and thought-processing speed. But in a study of 300 post-menopausal women included in ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity more expensive to treat than smoking

(HealthDay)—Annual health care expenses are substantially higher for smokers and the obese, compared with nonsmokers and people of healthy weight, according to a report published online Dec. 24 in Public Health. In fact, ...


Annual report on U.S. kids' health a mixed bag

(HealthDay) -- Infant mortality, preterm births and teen births have dropped across the United States as have violent crime and victimization among children, U.S. health officials reported Friday.

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