Overweight & Obesity

Obesity rising for many children

Obesity continues to increase among children, despite previous national reports that the rate flattened, according to recent analysis.

Overweight & Obesity

Fighting obesity requires a war on poverty

In February 2010, First Lady Michelle Obama launched 'Let's Move', the most high-profile anti-obesity initiative in the United States to date.

Overweight & Obesity

Americans keep getting fatter

Waistlines of American adults kept growing last year with obesity creeping up to 27.7 percent, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

Overweight & Obesity

Why some of us are fat, and others aren't

The obesity epidemic is not an American phenomenon. About 37 percent of the world's adults are overweight or obese, and no nation has been able to claim even a tiny reversal in the trend in the last 33 years.


Worked-based wellness programs reduce weight, study finds

A new study shows that workplace wellness programs can be effective in helping people lose weight by providing healthier food choices and increasing opportunities for physical activity, particularly if these efforts are designed ...

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