Overweight & Obesity

Does where you live affect what you weigh?

Adult obesity rates in the United States have reached epidemic proportions, with one in four people considered obese. Yet, obesity rates vary considerably across states and counties.


Smoking and body weight—what's the connection?

As our readers may recall, my wife and I spent a couple of weeks in Spain in late August. I previously documented the mileage we accrued while exploring various cities in that beautiful country. Two things I always notice ...

Overweight & Obesity

Chinese city migrant children buck obesity trend

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have found that the children of migrants to Chinese cities have lower rates of obesity than youngsters in more affluent established urban families.

Overweight & Obesity

Drop in childhood obesity cannot be explained by health behaviors

While a reported drop in obesity rates among U.S. children has been heralded as positive news, more work must be done to understand exactly why that drop occurred, according to researchers at Rice and Temple universities.

Overweight & Obesity

Tool enables doctors to ID babies at risk of obesity, study says

Newborns who are heavier than average and gain weight rapidly in the first six months of life face a heightened chance of obesity by the time they are old enough for kindergarten, according to a study published on March 4, ...

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