Overweight & Obesity

Study finds support for obesity designation as disease

In the first assessment of public opinion since obesity was formally classified as a disease, a new study from the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at the University of Connecticut has found that a majority of Americans ...

Overweight & Obesity

Experts question value of current obesity treatments

The mantra in obesity treatment is 'eat less and move more'. But a leading group of obesity experts writing in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology question the belief that this is sufficient to treat obesity. They argue that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Obesity affects breast cancer treatment

(Medical Xpress)—Obesity may affect a common drug that is used as part of the treatment to fight breast cancer in post-menopausal women.

Overweight & Obesity

Study says it is time to abandon obesity myths

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham say it is time to abandon some popular but erroneous obesity myths. In an article published June 23 in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, ...

Overweight & Obesity

Algorithm developed to guide physicians in obesity care

(HealthDay)—An algorithm has been developed to help physicians navigate medical treatment for obesity care, according to a report published by the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP).

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