Psychology & Psychiatry

Mistaking OCD for ADHD has serious consequences

(Medical Xpress)—On the surface, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) appear very similar, with impaired attention, memory, or behavioral control. But Prof. Reuven Dar ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Multitasking -- not so bad for you after all?

Our obsession with multiple forms of media is not necessarily all bad news, according to a new study by Kelvin Lui and Alan Wong from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Their work shows that those who frequently use different ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A burst from the blue: is bulimia nervosa really a modern disease?

Named in a scientific paper for the first time in 1979, bulimia nervosa has been studied extensively since. But while researchers explore its causes, diagnosis and treatment, the origins of the condition have attracted considerably ...

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