
Exposure to smells in early infancy can modulate adult behavior

Imprinting is a popularly known phenomenon, wherein certain animals and birds become fixated on sights and smells they see immediately after being born. In ducklings, this can be the first moving object, usually the mother ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

REM sleep silences the siren of the brain

Upset by something unpleasant? We have all been there. Fortunately, it also passes. A new day, a new beginning. At least: if you have restful REM sleep. Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience discovered ...

Medical research

Smelling with your tongue

Scientists from the Monell Center report that functional olfactory receptors, the sensors that detect odors in the nose, are also present in human taste cells found on the tongue. The findings suggest that interactions between ...


Home remedies: The bad breath battle

There are many causes of bad breath, also called halitosis. Your mouth may be the source. The breakdown of food particles and other debris by bacteria in and around your teeth can cause a foul odor. If your mouth becomes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender and schizophrenia

New research from University of Dayton psychologist Julie Walsh-Messinger and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai psychiatrist Dolores Malaspina uncovers key differences in the brains of men and women suffering from schizophrenia.

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