Psychology & Psychiatry

Offenders need integrated, on-going, mental health care

Offenders with mental health problems need improved and on-going access to health care, according to the first study to systematically examine healthcare received by offenders across the criminal justice system.


SHSU professor investigates trends for elderly and crime

While the elderly represent the fastest growing segment of the population, too little is known about the nature and scope of crime impacting this generation. Victoria Titterington of Sam Houston State University is trying ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are sex offenders and lads' mags using the same language?

(Medical Xpress) -- Psychologists from Middlesex University and the University of Surrey found that when presented with descriptions of women taken from lads’ mags, and comments about women made by convicted rapists, ...


Concerns about teen sexting overblown, according to new research

Two new studies from the University of New Hampshire Crimes against Children Research Center suggest that concerns about teen sexting may be overblown. One study found the percentage of youth who send nude pictures of themselves ...

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