
Can exercise help you live longer and better?

The red double-decker buses that are symbolic of the city of London have an altogether different significance if you study heart disease. Sixty years ago, these iconic buses helped a Scottish medical doctor named Jerry Morris ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do horticultural activities affect brain activation and emotion?

Research has confirmed that there are physical and mental benefits associated with performing horticultural activities, such as being in contact with soil and viewing plants. In addition, due to the rapidly increasing volume ...


Social awkwardness scuppers standing meetings

Standing during meetings could help keep office workers healthy, but new research from King's College London and Brunel University London suggests it's hard to resist keeping our seats when standing up breaks social rules.


Study finds exercise can prevent neck pain

Engaging in physical exercise can prevent neck pain, especially among office workers. This is the finding from a recent systematic review with meta-analysis conducted by researchers from the University of Health Sciences ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

NYC to require vaccines or weekly testing for city workers

New York City will require all of its municipal workers—including teachers and police officers—to get coronavirus vaccines by mid-September or face weekly COVID-19 testing, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday.

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