Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Wastewater surveillance for COVID-19: It's complicated

Lately, the phrase "wastewater surveillance" has been all over the news—but what is it, exactly? And why is it useful to researchers and public health experts trying to get a grasp on fluctuating levels of COVID-19 infection?

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Down syndrome project shatters quality of life myths

Young adults living with Down syndrome have high aspirations and a great zest for life according to an Australian first study by researchers from The University of Queensland.


What Medicare Part A's belly-up date means for you

At its current pace, Medicare's Hospital Insurance trust fund will run out of money in 2028, according to the June 2022 Medicare trustees report. That's a two-year extension on the previous estimate, but experts say it's ...


How will pending budget bill reduce drug prices for Americans?

The Inflation Reduction Act contains provisions that are expected to lower drug costs for millions of Americans by allowing Medicare to negotiate some drug prices and by limiting the amount of out-of-pocket drug costs for ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

California not ready to declare emergency over monkeypox

California officials are pressing for more vaccine and acting with "utmost urgency" to slow the spread of the monkeypox virus, but they have not decided whether to declare a statewide emergency as the city of San Francisco ...


German life expectancy decreased during pandemic years

Average life expectancy in Germany dropped noticeably between 2019 and 2021, the national statistics office said Tuesday, a change that it attributed to unusually high numbers of deaths during the coronavirus pandemic.

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