
In governor's race, issues of age, health and forthrightness

Gubernatorial challenger Walt Maddox's introductory television ad aimed to convey crucial details to voters. He described rebuilding tornado-ravaged Tuscaloosa as the city's mayor and called his politics "pro-life and pro ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola death toll rises in DR Congo

The death toll from an Ebola outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has risen to 118, authorities have said, with three children among the recent victims.


Hospitals charge 479 percent of cost of drugs on average

(HealthDay)—On average, hospitals mark up drugs by 479 percent of their cost, according to a report from The Moran Company, commissioned by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

Medical economics

Report: Trump administration needs to step up on 'Obamacare'

A congressional watchdog said Thursday the Trump administration needs to step up its management of sign-up seasons under former President Barack Obama's health care law after mixed results last year in the throes of a failed ...


Taking a stand at work

(HealthDay)—Many studies have pointed to the serious health threats of long periods of uninterrupted sitting at home or at work.


Your office may be affecting your health

Workers in open office seating had less daytime stress and greater daytime activity levels compared to workers in private offices and cubicles, according to new research led by the University of Arizona.


Our workplaces are filthy and it's costing us all

The typical office desk is home to over 10 million bacteria, 400 times more than a toilet seat. Other studies have revealed people don't wash their hands, and surfaces from taps to elevator buttons are "officially dirty".

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