Psychology & Psychiatry

The long-term effects of maternal high-fat diets

If a mother eats a high-fat diet, this can have a negative effect on the health of her offspring—right down to her great-grandchildren. This is the conclusion drawn by researchers at ETH Zurich from a study with mice.

Oncology & Cancer

Typical mutations in children of soldiers at radar installations

Soldiers at radar installations who were exposed to high doses of radiation during their service passed on more genetic alterations to their children than families without radiation exposure. This has been demonstrated in ...

Autism spectrum disorders

First biomarker evidence of DDT-autism link

A study of more than 1 million pregnancies in Finland reports that elevated levels of a metabolite of the banned insecticide DDT in the blood of pregnant women are linked to increased risk for autism in the offspring. An ...

Medical research

Environmental impact passed on to offspring

Anyone with lots of brown adipose tissue, or brown fat, can count themselves lucky: this tissue—which is found in some people under the tongue, around the collarbone and along the spine—helps them to use up excess energy. ...


Vaginal microbiome may influence stress levels of offspring

Exposing newborn mice to vaginal microbes from stressed female mice may transfer the effects of stress to the newborns, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. These changes ...

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