
New study reveals active sex lives of the over 70s

Older people are continuing to enjoy active sex lives well into their seventies and eighties, according to new research from The University of Manchester and NatCen Social Research.


Older women restrict driving more than older men

(HealthDay)—Older women restrict their driving activity more than older men, regardless of physical health or cognitive status, according to a study published in the November issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics ...


Bad marriage, broken heart?

Older couples in a bad marriage—particularly female spouses—have a higher risk for heart disease than those in a good marriage, finds the first nationally representative study of its kind.

Medical research

Testosterone promotes prostate cancer in rats

A researcher who found that testosterone raised the risk of prostate tumors and exacerbated the effects of carcinogenic chemical exposure in rats is urging caution in prescribing testosterone therapy to men who have not been ...

Oncology & Cancer

Patient, tumor characteristics for high-mitotic rate melanoma

A study in Australia examined patient and tumor characteristics for melanomas with higher mitotic rates (a marker of tumor cell growth) in an effort to increase earlier detection of this aggressive cancer in patients.


Intimacy a strong motivator for PrEP HIV prevention

Men in steady same-sex relationships where both partners are HIV negative will often forgo condoms out of a desire to preserve intimacy, even if they also have sex outside the relationship. But the risk of HIV still lurks. ...

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