
Early odor exposure enhances response of smell cells

Mice exposed to scents of mint or fresh cut grass before and shortly after birth show increased responses in a specific population of odor-processing neurons to a variety of odors, according to new research published in eNeuro. ...


Inflammation required for olfactory tissue regeneration

In a mouse study designed to understand how chronic inflammation in sinusitis damages the sense of smell, scientists at Johns Hopkins say they were surprised to learn that the regeneration of olfactory tissue requires some ...


Close or far, how smell tells us it's popcorn

People know a smell is popcorn whether it is cooking down the hallway or held right under their noses. Yale researchers Douglas Storace and Lawrence Cohen in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology have found ...

Medical research

Smelling your food makes you fat

Our sense of smell is key to the enjoyment of food, so it may be no surprise that in experiments at the University of California, Berkeley, obese mice who lost their sense of smell also lost weight.


Distant brain regions selectively recruit stem cells

Stem cells persist in the adult mammalian brain and generate new neurons throughout life. A research group at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel reports in the current issue of Science that long-distance brain connections ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The human sense of smell: It's stronger than we think

When it comes to our sense of smell, we have been led to believe that animals win out over humans: No way can we compete with dogs and rodents, some of the best sniffers in the animal kingdom.


The social costs of smell loss in older women

A new study of older U.S. adults conducted by researchers from the Monell Center and collaborating institutions reports that a woman's social life is associated with how well her sense of smell functions. The study found ...


Function of olfactory receptor in the human heart identified

Researchers have for the first time identified the function of olfactory receptors in the human heart muscle, such as are also present in the nose. One of the receptors reacts to fatty acids that occur in the blood, in patients ...

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