
The benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet

(HealthDay)—The body's immune system is designed to fight off threats, like infection-causing germs, through a process called inflammation. But a steady state of inflammation can lead to everything from diabetes to autoimmune ...


The skinny on beef

(HealthDay)—Beef often gets a bad rap, but is it really that bad for you?


Foods to lower your cholesterol count

(HealthDay)—It's not always possible to lower cholesterol through diet alone—sometimes there's no way to override your DNA, and medication becomes a must.


Omega-3 fatty acids tied to fewer childhood asthma symptoms

A six-month study of children from Baltimore City by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers has added to evidence that having more omega-3 fatty acids in the diet results in fewer asthma symptoms triggered by indoor air pollution. ...


The saturated fat debate rages on

(HealthDay)—It's hard to keep up with the findings from studies on the health effects of saturated fat—you know, the fat typically found in animal foods, from red meat to whole milk. But one thing's certain.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Could omega-3 fatty acids help prevent miscarriages?

Compounds found in fish oil prevent pregnancy complications, including preterm birth, neonatal death, and stillbirth, in mice when the complications are caused by a common oral bacteria, according to research published today ...


The benefits of heart health supplements come with cautions

We've all heard the advice to take a fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids to improve heart health, but are you actually getting the benefits they claim to provide? One Baylor College of Medicine cardiologist says probably not, ...

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