Oncology & Cancer

Discovery means individualized ovarian, brain cancer therapies

Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered that a molecular communication pathway—thought to be defective in cancer—is a key player in determining the effectiveness of measles virus oncolytic cancer treatment in ovarian ...

Oncology & Cancer

Combining immunotherapies effective against mouse model of cancer

Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer made up of cells that normally develop into skeletal muscles, is the most common soft tissue cancer in children. If it is detected early and localized in certain areas, rhabdomyosarcoma is usually ...

Oncology & Cancer

Adenoviruses and the immune system join forces against cancer

Researchers of the Cancer Virotherapy Research Group of Bellvitge Biomedicine Research Institute (IDIBELL), led by Dr. Ramon Alemany, have developed an oncolytic virus capable of redirecting the patient's immune system against ...

Oncology & Cancer

Immunotherapy—training the body to fight cancer

The human immune system is powerful and complex. It can identify and destroy invaders of nearly infinite variety, yet spare the more than 30 trillion cells of the healthy body.

Oncology & Cancer

OVC cancer breakthrough leads to human clinical trials

Cancer treatment in people could be transformed thanks to a study on treating cancer in animals led by researchers from the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) at the University of Guelph.

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