Medical research

Reducing medical errors in surgery by eliminating inexact language

If you're mowing the lawn and your spouse asks you to "cut it a little shorter," any discrepancy resulting from your different interpretations of "little" is harmless. In an operating room, however, it can mean the difference, ...

Oncology & Cancer

MasSpec Pen shows promise in pancreatic cancer surgery

A diagnostic tool called the MasSpec Pen has been tested for the first time in pancreatic cancer patients during surgery. The device is shown to accurately identify tissues and surgical margins directly in patients and differentiate ...


Moving one step closer to personalized anesthesia

Anesthesia may be an exact science, but it's not yet fully personalized. Anesthesiologists use a variety of methods to calculate the right dose for a given patient: clinical studies, medical databases and laboratory measurements, ...


Hip fracture outcomes worse during busy periods

Hip fractures are serious, especially for the elderly. The operation can be a great strain, and 13 percent of patients over the age of 70 do not survive 60 days after the fracture.


What is surgical smoke and what can be done about it?

If you've ever been in an operating room where tools are used to simultaneously cut and cauterize human flesh, you know what surgical smoke is. The heat generated by these surgical tools produces vapors made up of aerosolized ...

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