
What is surgical smoke and what can be done about it?

If you've ever been in an operating room where tools are used to simultaneously cut and cauterize human flesh, you know what surgical smoke is. The heat generated by these surgical tools produces vapors made up of aerosolized ...

Overweight & Obesity

Study to examine obesity treatment

Clinical researchers at the University of Bristol are studying treatment options for obesity, after a survey on behalf of National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) found more than four in 10 people in the West have noticed ...

Medical economics

How to overcome racial bias in healthcare systems

Research studies show that Black patients can be subjected to wait times 30% longer than other patients at doctors' offices and other healthcare facilities, leaving little doubt about the biased nature of healthcare scheduling ...

Oncology & Cancer

No support for increasing the volume norm for breast cancer surgery

The number of breast cancer surgery which a hospital performs yearly does not play a significant role in the chance of survival. This is the conclusion of research of Sabine Siesling from the University of Twente (MIRA institute) ...

Oncology & Cancer

Building a brighter way for capturing cancer during surgery

University of Texas at Dallas researchers have demonstrated that imaging technology used to map the universe shows promise for more accurately and quickly identifying cancer cells in the operating room.

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