Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Video: Ebola virus can lurk in the eye for months

After his release Emory University Hospital last October, Dr. Ian Crozier thought his long, near-fatal battle with Ebola was winding down. But less than two months later, he was back at Emory, with an eye that had changed ...


ARVO: Hydroxychloroquine daily dosing recs often exceeded

(HealthDay)—Many patients prescribed hydroxychloroquine exceed the safety guidelines for daily dosing, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, held ...


Children's eye injuries from nonpowder guns on the rise

Over 3000 children were treated in U.S. emergency departments in 2012 for eye injuries related to paintball guns, airsoft guns, BB guns and pellet guns, which are popular non-powder guns. A new report published in the Journal ...


Rise in spring allergens linked to increased dry eye cases

New ophthalmology research from the University of Miami shows that dry eye - the little understood culprit behind red, watery, gritty feeling eyes - strikes most often in spring, just as airborne allergens are surging. The ...


Carnival game mimics eye growth

The motion of coins in a "Penny Pusher" carnival game is similar to the movement of cells in the eye's lens, as described in a new study published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS). This new insight may ...


Seniors shouldn't be blinded by old notions of eye disease

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among older Americans, but new treatments have dramatically changed the course of this disease over the last 10 years, making AMD more manageable than ...

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