
Fewer U.S. kids overdosing on opioids

(HealthDay)—The number of U.S. kids who overdose on prescription painkillers each year may be declining—but the incidents remain a major public health problem, new research says.


New study links opioid epidemic to childhood emotional abuse

A study by researchers at the University of Vermont has revealed a link between adult opioid misuse and childhood emotional abuse, a new finding that suggests a rethinking of treatment approaches for opioid abusers.


Drug OD deaths have nearly tripled since 1999: CDC

(HealthDay)—Drug overdose deaths have nearly tripled in the United States since 1999, with whites and middle-aged Americans bearing much of the brunt, a new government report shows.


Steep rise in births to U.S. women using opioids

(HealthDay)—Over a decade, there was a nearly fivefold increase in the number of babies born each year to American women who have used opioids, a federal government report says.


Zika fears, opioid abuse crisis top health news for 2016

(HealthDay)—When news reports first began to emerge of mysterious, severe birth defects in Brazilian newborns, few could have imagined these isolated tragedies would explode into the leading health news story of 2016: the ...


Two new online medical education courses address opioid crisis

The DC Center for Rational Prescribing (DCRx) today announced the availability of two new online education courses aimed at teaching doctors and other healthcare professionals some of the myths and facts surrounding the use ...

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