
Opioid bill gets bipartisan support

(HealthDay)—In a rare bipartisan move, both the House and Senate have reached a compromise on legislation to address the opioid epidemic.


'Cascade of Care' framework aims to reduce opioid deaths

Drug overdose is now the leading cause of death for individuals under the age of 50, as the opioid epidemic continues unabated. One reason is that the majority of the estimated 2.4 million Americans with opioid use disorder ...


Expert discusses how the opioid epidemic spreads

The sale of prescription opioids has risen sharply since 1999, and the number of fatal drug overdoses attributed to the drugs has more than quadrupled. We asked Yale SOM's Marissa King, an expert in social networks who has ...


The opioid crisis—how did we get here?

Lawmakers meet today to try to finalize legislation to solve the nation's opioid crisis. It's an issue that The Conversation has been covering for many months.

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