
US Congress confirms new drug regulator chief

US cardiologist and scientist Robert Califf was narrowly confirmed Tuesday as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, despite opposition from Democrats who accused him of contributing to the country's opioid crisis.


Why dentists are prescribing fewer opioids

If you've ever had a root canal or tooth extraction, you might have been handed a prescription for Vicodin or another opioid painkiller to help you recover after your procedure.


Experts propose solutions to the opioid crisis in North America

(HealthDay)—Fundamental reform of regulatory systems is needed to address the opioid crisis in North America and beyond, according to recommendations from a Commission report published online Feb. 2 in The Lancet.


Tracking the shifting landscape of the opioid crisis

Few if any communities in the United States have escaped the opioid crisis, and in 2020, opioid overdose deaths rose sharply across the entire country. But the crisis plays out differently from place to place and over time. ...

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