Medical research

Gut microbes influence how rat brains react to opioids

When Sierra Simpson was in college, she was sick for a year with recurring fevers and vomiting. Her doctors couldn't figure out what she had. Suspecting a bacterial infection, they tried treating her with high doses of antibiotics.


Prescribing an overdose: A chapter in the opioid epidemic

Research indicates that widespread opioid overprescribing contributed to the opioid epidemic. New research shows that this dangerous trend has apparently been coupled with another: inappropriate use of high-potency opioids.


CDC: 2016 to 2017 saw increases in nonfatal overdoses

(HealthDay)—From 2016 to 2017, there were increases in nonfatal drug overdoses, with significant increases for all drug types except those involving benzodiazepines, according to research published in the April 3 issue ...


Opioid changes may lead to more overdoses in NZ

A change in the supply of pharmaceutical morphine could inadvertently lead to more overdoses by people who inject opioids such as morphine and heroin, a University of Auckland expert warns.

Medical research

What opioid use in rats can tell us about addiction in humans

In 2018, more than 47,000 Americans died from an opioid overdose, and ten million misused prescription opioids. The highly addictive drugs have destroyed lives and families, regardless of income level, race, age, or gender.

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