Psychology & Psychiatry

Research points to brain's 'dark side' as key to cocaine addiction

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found evidence that an emotion-related brain region called the central amygdala—whose activity promotes feelings of malaise and unhappiness—plays ...

Medical research

A path to lower-risk painkillers

For patients managing cancer and other chronic health issues, painkillers such as morphine and Vicodin are often essential for pain relief. The body's natural tendency to develop tolerance to these medications, however, often ...


Research pinpoints, prevents stress-induced drug relapse in rats

All too often, stress turns addiction recovery into relapse, but years of basic brain research have provided scientists with insight that might allow them develop a medicine to help. A new study in the journal Neuron pinpoints ...

Medical research

A new promising approach in the therapy of pain

The treatment of inflammatory pain can be improved by endogenous opioid peptides acting directly in injured tissue. Scientists at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Université Paris Descartes showed that ...


Research shows binge drinking inhibits brain development

(Medical Xpress)—Teenagers who binge drink risk inhibiting part of their brain's development and many are laying the groundwork for alcoholism down the track a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researcher has found.

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