
Pediatricians offer new dental recommendations

(HealthDay)—All children should start using toothpaste with fluoride when their teeth appear, regardless of their risk level for cavities, according to new recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).


Dental woes of an aging population

Public health dentist Mark Nehring remembers attending a lecture on geriatric treatment 20 years ago. The speaker offered up slides of a patient with ample evidence of previous dental care: "crowns in place, very good fillings," ...

Oncology & Cancer

Anti-pain agent shrinks oral cancers, leaves healthy tissues alone

Mouse models of human oral cancer treated with an agent called capsazepine showed dramatic tumor shrinkage without damage to surrounding tissues, researchers from the School of Dentistry and School of Medicine at The University ...


Homeless most at risk of poor oral health

(Medical Xpress)—New research from The University of Queensland has highlighted poor dental health as one of the most detrimental, but least understood, aspects of homelessness in Australia.


Gum disease bacteria may cause heart disease

A University of Florida study shows that the same bacteria that cause gum disease also promotes heart disease – a discovery that could change the way heart disease is diagnosed and treated. Researchers report their findings ...

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