Medical research

Microparticles could help prevent vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency is the world's leading cause of blindness, and in severe cases, it can be fatal. About one-third of the global population of preschool-aged children suffer from this vitamin deficiency, which is most ...

Medical research

Scientists produce 'DNA virus vaccine' to fight DNA viruses

Rutgers scientists have developed a new approach to stopping viral infections: a so-called live-attenuated, replication-defective DNA virus vaccine that uses a compound known as centanamycin to generate an altered virus for ...

Biomedical technology

Candy-coated pills could prevent pharmaceutical fraud

While most of us were baking sourdough bread and watching "Tiger King" to stay sane during the pandemic shutdown, UC Riverside bioengineering professor William Grover kept busy counting the colorful candy sprinkles perched ...


Inadequate sleep is bad for preteens' brains

We all know that if we don't get enough sleep or don't sleep well, we won't be on top of our game the next day. And we know that many teens and preteens get too little or poor-quality sleep. Now, a large, first-of-its kind ...


Several persistent chemicals found in fetal organs

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet found industrial chemicals in the organs of fetuses conceived decades after many countries had banned the substances. In a study published in the journal Chemosphere, the researchers urge ...


Gene plays major role in brain development

The so-called Plexin-A1 gene seems to play a more extensive role in brain development than previously assumed. This is shown by a current study led by the University Hospital Bonn and the Institute of Anatomy of the University ...

Medical research

Generation of three-dimensional heart organoids

Researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) use mouse embryonic stem cells to engineer three-dimensional functional heart organoids resembling the developing heart

Medical research

Stem cell study suggests paths to restore hearing

It turns out that to hear a person yapping, you need a protein called Yap. Working as part of what is known as the Yap/Tead complex, this important protein sends signals to the hearing organ to attain the correct size during ...

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