Medical research

A 'super-cool' method for improving donated liver preservation

A new method for super-cooling human donor livers to subzero centigrade temperatures without freezing can triple the time that a donor organ stays safe and viable during transportation from the donor to the recipient. This ...


New research offers solution to reduce organ shortage crisis

Eighteen people die every day waiting for transplants, and a new patient is added to the organ transplant list every 10 minutes. Much of the problem surrounds the lack of registered donors. New research in the INFORMS journal ...


Two lives saved in rare 'paired' liver donation

(HealthDay)—In a North American first, an anonymous living liver donation led to a rare paired living liver donor exchange in Canada last summer that saved the lives of two people with failing livers.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Living transplant donors need long-term monitoring, too

While organ transplant recipients receive continual care as the end-stage treatment to their condition, attention also should be given to living donors, who can suffer from hypertension, diabetes and other disorders after ...

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