
Are promises made to living donors being upheld?

A new study finds some shortcomings by the transplant community in providing prompt access to transplantation for living kidney donors who later develop kidney disease and need a transplant. Donors are told that they will ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer risk rises after childhood organ transplant: study

(HealthDay)—Children given an organ transplant have a substantially higher risk of developing cancer—in some cases up to 200 times higher—than the general population, a new study finds.


Sun's harms rise after organ transplant

(HealthDay)—Organ transplant recipients are at increased risk for skin cancer and need to protect themselves, a dermatologist warns.


Living (and competing) after an organ transplant

Organ donations continue to rise and a growing number of countries are adopting assumed consent donation policies. These recent shifts can partially be explained by increasing public awareness that organ donation saves lives.

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