Medical research

Researchers extend liver preservation for transplantation

Researchers have developed a new supercooling technique to increase the amount of time human organs could remain viable outside the body. This study was conducted in rats, and if it succeeds in humans, it would enable a world-wide ...


Immune cells regulate body weight

Obesity is among the biggest health challenges of the 21st century, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Almost 60% of Germans are considered overweight, while 25% are obese. Moreover, being overweight often ...

Medical research

Organ engineering: Possibilities and challenges ahead

Cartilage, bone, and skin can already be regenerated in vitro, and these tissues are currently available for clinical applications. However, regeneration of more complex tissues such as the liver and pancreas has yet to be ...

Medical research

Restoring blood flow

Tissue deprived of oxygen (ischemia) is a serious health condition that can lead to damaged heart tissue following a heart attack and, in the case of peripheral arterial disease in limbs, amputation, particularly in diabetic ...

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