
What happens to your vagina as you age?

The vagina is an internal organ with a complex ecosystem, influenced by circulating hormone levels which change during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Four things you need to know about having a cesarean section

If you're pregnant or planning to have a baby soon, you've probably been given lots of advice and information about what you might experience during and after the birth. But less information is often given about what to expect ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Alzheimer's disease: Five things to know

Alzheimer's disease, a devastating neuro-degenerative condition that causes dementia, affects more than 30 million people worldwide and remains an illness for which there is no cure.


The best new implants may be a piece of you

The future of medicine is often imagined to include some sort of high-tech or shiny device. But many cutting-edge therapies are fundamentally about using and improving upon what the body already has. There's CAR T therapy ...

Medical research

In vitro organ model research trends

Two distinct approaches are predominantly used to recapitulate physiologically relevant in vitro human organ models. Organoids use stem cells to grow self-assembled replica organs through directed differentiation, whereas ...

Medical research

Giving blood to artificial organs

Jelena Rnjak-Kovacina, and her team at the University of New South Wales and Tufts University in the USA, are using silk to grow blood vessels.


Transplant drug may provide benefits after spinal cord injury

New research in mice indicates that a drug commonly used to suppress the immune system in recipients of organ transplants may also reduce tissue damage and neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. The findings are published ...

Medical research

Bioprinting new organs

With the new 3D Bioprinter, the research group of Professor Paul Gatenholm at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering exploits new possibilities of tissue engineering and organ regeneration.

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