Medical research

New study delivers road map of lung development

Researchers have compiled the most comprehensive road map of the protein composition of human lungs, providing a clearer picture of the healthy development of this essential organ that made terrestrial life possible.


Increasing organ donation by increasing consent to donate

When seeking consent for organ donations, in-person requests made to substitute decision-makers, with physician involvement, are more likely to result in a positive response, according to a study of organ donation in Ontario, ...

Medical research

Study pinpoints molecular targets of transplant rejection

Researchers from the University of Sydney and Monash University have made a significant discovery that uncovers what is happening at the molecular level when an organ transplant is recognized as foreign by the immune system.


What does it mean to be 'immunocompromised?'

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been countless news reports identifying one group of individuals as being particularly vulnerable to the virus: the immunocompromised.

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer shortens lifespan in transplant recipients

People who have received organ transplants face an elevated risk of developing cancer, primarily due to immunosuppression from medications to prevent organ rejection, as well as underlying medical conditions. An important ...

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