Oncology & Cancer

Sniffing out disease with smartphones

Gastric cancer, also known as stomach cancer, is the fifth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in Europe. Because of the lack of early signs specifically related to the disease, it's usually only detected at an advanced ...


New floor covering can lead to breathing problems in babies

New flooring in the living environment of pregnant women significantly increases the risk of infants to suffer from respiratory diseases in their first year of life. This is the result of a study carried out by the Helmholtz ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breath test could possibly diagnose colorectal cancer

A new study published in BJS has demonstrated for the first time that a simple breath analysis could be used for colorectal cancer screening. The study is part of the "Improving Outcomes in Gastrointestinal Cancer" supplement.


Study shows links between dust and breast milk

Concentrations of organic compounds called brominated flame retardants in New Zealand samples of dust and breast milk are "well below" limits imposed by international authorities, researchers from the College of Health have ...

Oncology & Cancer

Probing the mystery of how cancer cells die

You've probably never heard of 'sphingolipids' before. But these curiously named organic compounds play a vital role in one of humanity's most well-known diseases: cancer.

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