Psychology & Psychiatry

Marriage makes men seem less competent, study shows

(Medical Xpress)—Single men are perceived to be significantly more competent than their married counterparts, according to new psychology research presented today.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young 'pranksters' skewed landmark sexuality study

(Medical Xpress)—The joke's on a generation of human-sexuality researchers: Adolescent "pranksters" responding to the widely cited National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health in the mid-1990s may have faked "nonheterosexuality."

Psychology & Psychiatry

Think you're an expert bettor? You're probably wrong

If there's one thing you can bet on in horseracing, it's this: so-called successful bettors will always think that their little black books hold superior 'inside' knowledge that makes them experts. However, in the long run, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Secret-keeping depletes mental resources

(Medical Xpress)—Stress from having to keep a secret – one's sexual orientation, for example, or simply a forbidden word – can cause lapses in physical stamina, intellectual acuity, executive function and even email ...

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