
Experts offer more clarity on managing common ankle fractures

Although fairly common, management of an isolated lateral malleolus ankle fracture remains challenging for orthopaedic surgeons. A central question remains on determining whether surgery or a non-surgical approach is indicated ...


Use 'proper form' when practicing yoga

(HealthDay)—Yoga can make you flexible and strong, but it can also hurt you if not practiced correctly, an orthopedic expert warns.


The dynamic duo: calcium and vitamin D

(HealthDay)—Your need for calcium gets a lot of attention, but your body can't use it without its partner, vitamin D, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.


Keep Halloween spooky, but safe

(HealthDay)—Kids may encounter some scary surprises on Halloween, but they shouldn't get injured while they go trick-or-treating.


What you can do to help fight the opioid epidemic

(HealthDay)—Proper disposal of prescription painkillers and use of safe alternatives to manage pain could help combat America's opioid abuse epidemic, doctors say.

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