
Computer-assisted tools alert pediatricians to obese patients

Electronic health records and embedded tools can alert and direct pediatricians so they can better manage the weight of children and teenagers, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published online in The Journal of ...

Overweight & Obesity

Higher levels of obesity associated with increased risk of death

In an analysis of nearly 100 studies that included approximately 3 million adults, relative to normal weight, overall obesity (combining all grades) and higher levels of obesity were both associated with a significantly higher ...


Rates of gestational diabetes mellitus vary by state

(HealthDay)—Obesity, age, race/ethnicity, hospital characteristics, and insurance type may contribute to the variability in rates of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) between states, according to research published in ...

Oncology & Cancer

The links between obesity and cancer

As the global cancer community convenes this week in Melbourne for the UICC World Cancer Congress, thousands of experts and cancer survivors are arriving into Australia to discuss, present and move this important agenda forward. ...


Overprotective mums hinder children's health

Children whose mothers are highly protective are more likely to be overweight or obese by 10–11 years-old, according to research from the Telethon Kids Institute.

Oncology & Cancer

Bigger bodies bringing more cancers

Growing obesity levels are increasing the burden of cancers throughout the world, say University of Queensland researchers.


Parents' views sought on childhood obesity risk

A new website has been launched to help raise awareness of work being done in the East Midlands region of the UK to tackle childhood obesity and to seek the views of parents and healthcare professionals.

Overweight & Obesity

Cautious optimism as childhood obesity rates in Ireland plateau

Childhood overweight and obesity rates have plateaued in primary school aged children in the Republic of Ireland, reveals research published today in the open access journal BMC Public Health. The study found that although ...

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