
Moms' pre-pregnancy weight impacts risk of dying decades later

Adults whose mothers were overweight or obese before pregnancy have a dramatically elevated risk of dying from heart disease or stroke, according to a new study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions ...

Overweight & Obesity

Tracking food leads to losing pounds

Without following a particular diet, overweight people who tracked daily food consumption using a free smartphone app lost a significant amount of weight in a new Duke University study.

Overweight & Obesity

Weight counseling decreases despite rise in obesity

While the number of overweight and obese Americans has increased, the amount of weight counseling offered by primary care physicians has decreased—especially for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes—according ...

Overweight & Obesity

Task force recommends screening all adults for obesity

(HealthDay) -- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released new guidelines Monday recommending that doctors screen all of their patients for obesity and when appropriate, refer them to a comprehensive lifestyle-management ...

Overweight & Obesity

Childhood obesity unevenly distributed in Norway

Overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity are distributed unevenly among children in Norway. Maternal education level, parental marital status and whether the child lives in urban or rural areas all play a role. These findings ...

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